The Iron Range Maidens closed out their 5th season on October 3rd. The season finale did not disappoint. The maidens were victorious against the Mankato Area Derby Girls. The final score was 198 to 89. MAD Girls brought hard hits and high spirits, but it wasn’t enough to defeat the Maidens.

Kit E Breaks Through. Copyright 2015 Tim Verthein

Copyright 2015 Tim Verthein
The 2015 season was a great one for the Maidens for many reasons. They finished out the year with 3 wins and 1 loss. The Maidens also placed 4th at a tournament in Grand Forks. Besides wins and losses, 2015 was another injury free year for the Maidens. Lastly the team is growing with old skaters returning and new skaters coming in.
In the past few months 12 women have shown interest in joining the team. The Maidens are always taking new people with any skating ability. If you find yourself curious about roller derby: want to watch or want to play, find the Iron Range Maidens on Facebook or email them at Be on the lookout for their 2016 season where they hope to see many new skaters making their debut.

Copyright 2015 Tim Verthein
The Iron Range Maidens would like to thank their sponsors for supporting them through the 2015 season: The Grand Rapids Eagles Club, Globe Drug, Grand Rapids State Bank, Ice Cube, KAXE, KOZY/KMFY, KQ, LMNO P-ZA, Northern Lights School, Northern Pines, Ogles Market Place, Paul Bunyan, Rapids Printing, Roller Derby Radio Network, Visit Grand Rapids, and Wine Creations. The season would also not be possible without their fans, volunteers, NSOs, and refs; to them the Maidens are also grateful. They hope to see you all next season!

Roller Derby Radio Network
Copyright 2015 Tim Verthein